Thursday, June 14, 2007

Life has been CRAZY, CRAZY, CRAZY!

Life has been moving pretty fast lately. I haven't had much of a chance to catch my breath let alone blog much. This morning after I scurred around the house to pick up for the cleaning people, I sat down to write them a note. The fact that I was writing them a note is unusual. I rarely leave them notes, and when I do, it usually says something like "parents are coming. pls vacuum upstairs." Today's note was 2 pages long. When I got done I realized it pretty well summed up my last 2 weeks.

Here's the recap:

Pinky - [no, not her real name, which is Kitty. Pinky is just her nickname, her real nickname. She is about 45 years old. She doesn't look like a Kitty or a Pinky.]

1. Dogs - Obviously, the dogs are inside. You can put them outside while you are here. Moo has the Elizabethan collar on because she has some hot spots [that cost $100+ at the vet] and I want her to have "adult supervision" while outside. Please let them back in before you leave.

2. Bathroom Sink - Do NOT use the bathroom sink. The drain pipe is NOT connected to anything. The roll of paper towels perched under the faucet is there to remind me to NOT to use it. What can I say - I'm forgetful. Please feel free to clean the sink but leave the roll of towels in the sink when done.

3. Floors - The floors need a little extra attention. The steroid shot Moo got for the hot spots seems to have caused incontinence. So she's had some "leaking" on the floor. The last few days has only done much of it on the bed and not the floor. Thus, the new sheets and mattress pad on the bed.

[turn page over]

Holy moly this is a long note.

4. Pet Sitting - Are you available to come check on Cat over the 4th of July holiday? I will be out of town and the doggies will be boarded but I would like for someone to come check on Cat. Like July 5, 6, & 7. Let me know if you are available. Here are my numbers. Please call me.


P.S. I didn't have the correct change. Sorry.

P.P.S. Have you seen my Swiffer mop? It seems to have gone missing and I was wondering if you had it. [hard to clean the floors of an incontinent dog without the proper tools, eh?]

So on top of all this, last Friday after a lovely trip to the Botanical Gardens gift ship where I bought my cards to send to Soldiers' Angels Germany (just wanted to plug them again here!), a peeble/rock/cliff hit my windshield and chipped it. No problem. I called USAA and made arrangements for a repair (at no cost to me I might add). Then today on my way to work, already late due to said cleaning and note writing, I got hit with another peeble/rock/cliff and got ANOTHER chip in my windshield. I don't know if the new heat just makes the windshield more susceptible to chipping, but anyway, a new day, a new chip. LUCKILY, and there is a luckily here believe it or not, the repair guy was coming THIS morning! He got both of them repaired in about 10 minutes.

Lesson learned: when you park your car in the summer, crack your windows to prevent cracks in your windshield. That's what the windshield repair guy said.

Oh yeah. I also forgot my snacks & water today. I am a grazer, but today I will have to eat a big lunch to tide me over until I can get home. Hopefully, I won't be hitting the vending machine at 3:00 PM. Wish me luck!