First, today is the last day to nominate your favorite milblog. Starting tomorrow, the top 5 in each category will be up for voting. Get started here. If you are new to the milblogging community, check out the branch rankings for to see the variety this community has to offer. (I can't state strongly enough how much this community means to me.)Now that I have that out of the way, what has been going on with BW since the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day that pool closed? Well, I am glad you asked.
I started a project that is paying me actual money! That is very exciting. But that's all I'll say. Sorry for the tease. not. *snicker*snort*
I am beginning to freak out about the next step in this adventure. Soon I am heading back to Middleville to oversee the packers/movers. Our house has been sitting all dolled up, or rather all straightened and staged up, so it could be is showable condition to sell. No offers yet. But I need stuff when we get to our first duty station, so back to Middleville I go. Most of our stuff is in boxes in the finished attic. I am giving myself two days and unlimited amounts of coffee and diet coke to go through and document it all. I am taking Jack Bauer's camera to photograph some of the more valuable stuff. (Someday I will get my own digital camera. Someday.)
And I have to drive to Middleville by myself. It is a long-ass drive for one person to do in one day. At least going west from here I get the curvature of the earth to help and I go back into central time zone. Coming back? I'm not sure I want to think about that yet. I might be kind to myself and stop on the road.
But what am I complaining about? I've got a sweet new ride, XM radio, an assortment of books on CD, a cell phone. If only I could cruise the Internet while I drive, life would be almost perfect.
For the books on CD, I went to the local library and checked out Danielle Steel's Sisters, Dick Francis' Dead Heat, The Heidi Chronicles, April in Paris [note: I am in love with the idea of Paris, which is easy to be when you've never been], The Voice of the Poet: TS Eliot, and The Voice of the Poet: e.e. cummings. These last two are only an hour long. I got them to "broaden my horizons." I just hope they don't put me to sleep. The other stuff should be entertaining enough.
Any of you taken long road trips by yourself? What do you do to entertain yourself in the car?