Well, the in-laws have to get here first, before Christmas gets here. I am very lucky in that I not only have a wonderful husband, but I also have wonderful in-laws. They'll be here in a few hours and should be here for a week. We are planning on doing hiking and enjoying the outdoors and taking in the local scene.
I'm not done with Christmas shopping. I am waiting for enlargements to come in. (Sorry to spoil the surprise, Mom and Sister. It's OK. They usually get something I took a picture of.) I need to figure out how to wrap an AR lower. Do I find a box somewhere or do I cover every inch, trigger and all, in paper? (And Jack Bauer bought it himself. There is no surprising Jack Bauer.)
But I am really looking forward to our first Christmas together in three years. We probably went overboard getting an 8-foot tree, but we've got the space. Nice to have the house decorated. I didn't do any decorating while Jack was deployed. I think there are greens in everyroom, including the bathroom. (I just use the branches from bottom of the tree that had to be cut off to fit into the stand. I spread them around the windowsills and tuck them in the top of hanging pictures.)
So the job front. Looks like things are on hold until after New Year's Day. Not surprising. Working people are taking time off, and when they are able to get to their desks to work, they are thinking about what's in front of them, wrapping up what is absolutely needed.
No change in news on the house-selling front. It will sell. One day.
My Tastefully Simple business is going well. I had my Blast Off Party this last week. It was a great deal of fun! And while I was hoping to get more bookings, I knew the chances of that happening from the group of women there was slim. I'd already asked them. Best I can hope for is to make them repeat customers and convince them to host a party some time down the line. Thanks again to many of my readers who are now my Tastefully Simple customers. I've signed up to go to the Regional Conference in February. If you are interested in getting on my e-mail list to learn more about the wonderful, easy-to-prepare (add no more than 2 ingredients to get gourmet food) products, please e-mail me at butterfly.wife.life AT gmail.com.
So that's what's going on in my life. If I don't "talk" to you between now and Thursday, have a very Merry Christmas.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas is coming!
Posted by Butterfly Wife at 9:09 AM
Labels: Housing, Job search, Tastefully Simple
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Goings On
Let's see. In the last week, I got my first sales as a Tastefully Simple consultant and scheduled my Blast Off Party for next Wednesday. I am still super excited about this opportunity to meet new people and make a little extra money on the side. Thank you to several of my readers for placing orders with me and helping me get my business started! :D
If anyone would like to be added to my e-mail list to get my TS website, please e-mail me at butterfly.wife.life AT gmail.comOn the job front, I was not selected for the job I interviewed for. That was difficult. I'm not sure, but I think I have been offered nearly every single job I've ever interviewed for. BUT after a short cry, I decided I just needed to move forward. So moving forward I am. And I have another interview tomorrow with a different company. It should be a more challenging job and thus more money. I did go to the temp agency last week. The person I interviewed with sounded like she could find something for me. I agreed to work locally for $8/hr. Uggg.
No news on the house selling front. We lowered the house below what we owe and still nothing. But who really is thinking about buying a home two weeks before Christmas? And I heard yesterday about some planned layoffs in Middleville. Uggg.
And I did meet a super special blogger last week. She is just as special in person as she is online. :D
Posted by Butterfly Wife at 8:11 AM
Labels: Job search, Moving, Supporting Spouses, Tastefully Simple
Friday, December 5, 2008
Remember those cards?
During Jack Bauer's deployment, I spent quite a bit of time writing cards to our wounded troops at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center for Soldiers' Angels Germany. Now, another card writing opportunity has come along that I think you all might be interested in.
"Holiday Mail for Heroes" to Deliver One Million Cards to Service Members and Families
Red Cross, Pitney Bowes to Screen, Sort, Deliver Cards Before Holidays
WASHINGTON, November 11, 2008 - The American Red Cross and Pitney Bowes Inc. are teaming up to send holiday cards to service men and women in the United States and around the world. From Tuesday, November 11 until Wednesday, December 10, the public is invited to send holiday cards with their message of thanks and cheer to a special post office box. The Red Cross and Pitney Bowes will then screen cards for hazardous materials, sort and package the cards, and deliver them to military bases and hospitals, veteran’s hospitals, and other locations during the holidays. Watch the Holiday Mail for Heroes video.
Holiday Mail For Heroes continues the Red Cross tradition of service to the armed forces, which includes handling emergency communications that link service members with their families back home, providing access to financial assistance from the military aid societies, counseling, referral to community resources and assistance to veterans. Pitney Bowes is providing all screening, packaging and shipping at no charge, as well as providing thousands of volunteer hours from employees around the country.
“This opportunity is such a great way for the public to personally support the military and say a special thank you for their service this holiday season,” said Gail McGovern, Red Cross President and CEO. “I’m especially proud that the Red Cross is able to be a part of this effort, and I hope everyone will take the time to join us and send an extra card for the military.”
In 2007 Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. approached the Red Cross to distribute thousands of holiday cards coming to the facility for wounded troops. The Red Cross reached out to Pitney Bowes to turn the project into a larger opportunity that could reach members of the military at other facilities. In all, nearly 600,000 cards were screened for hazardous materials, sorted, and delivered in 2007.
“Pitney Bowes is proud to be working with the American Red Cross again to help Americans extend their well wishes and gratitude to the heroes who serve and protect our country,” said Jon Love, President of Pitney Bowes Government Solutions. “Last year’s program was a huge success and we look forward to working with the public to reach even more wounded service members and their families this holiday season to show appreciation and support.”
Holiday cards should be addressed and sent t
Holiday Mail For Heroes |
P.O. Box 5456 |
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456 |
Please be sure to affix adequate postage. Cards must be received no later than December 10. Cards received after this date will be returned to senders. To help speed the sorting process and delivery of cards and notes before the holidays, mailers are encouraged to refrain from sending “care packages,” monetary gifts, using glitter or including any other inserts. For a full list of recommended guidelines and best practices, please visit: http://www.Redcross.org/holidaymail. Cards are also available to print out from the website, along with messages from Red Cross National Celebrity Cabinet Members Dr. Phil McGraw and Nancy O’Dell, co-anchor of Access Hollywood. You can also leave a message on the Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces Facebook Wall.

Posted by Butterfly Wife at 10:31 AM
Labels: Honoring Soldiers
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Weekly check-in
Hi. Another week has flown by, hasn't it?
Thanksgiving with my family was busy. While I didn't have much cooking to do, I did help out with making ornaments for my nephew's school fundraiser. My mom and I, OK mostly my mom, made pillowcases for some old throw pillows. I got my hair cut AND colored -- the gray is g.o.n.e.! I took a ride on a little train. Took a drive around the countryside that is quickly developing in typical SoCal fashion. Ate at In-N-Out Burger 3 times.
I started my own business as a Tastefully Simple consultant, the easy-to-use mixes and spices. (Seriously, not sure what could be easier than adding beer, stirring for 30 seconds, and throwing it in the oven to get fresh baked bread.) If you'd like to be on my e-mail list, e-mail me at butterfly.wife.life AT gmail.com and I will sign you up and get you to my Tastefully Simple website. I am very excited about this opportunity and I hope it get to meet new people, make some friends locally, and make some money on the side.
Today I am planning on getting to one of the local temp agencies for some more immediate money. And maybe, just maybe, I'll meet a blogger for lunch. I know, can you believe it, there is another blogger in town? Holy moly!
I hope you all are doing well. Take care, my friends. :D
Posted by Butterfly Wife at 8:01 AM
Labels: Tastefully Simple