Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Reality Check

Well, I knew this was a possibility, but ...

I woke up this morning to an email saying that Jack Bauer is being recruited to stay in Iraq for another 12-15 months. This is a serious offer and we are seriously discussing it.

Instead of a company command, he would be at the brigade level coordinating route clearance missions. He would not be running missions with the guys (i.e., he would be "safer" than the job he has now). For the sake of this conversation, we are assuming that the assignment would start immediately and he would not be able to come home in between.

I will not deny it. The money is excellent and certainly a motivating factor. But it is not the only one. A sense of duty and obligation and keep us going and supporting the mission. Of course, there is the whole notion of ultimately making our country, our families safer in the long run.
But can we, Jack Bauer and I, handle it? Being apart for another 15 months? We've already been apart for 18.5 months. He can tell me that he can do, and I know that he will make it through. It will be tough for him, but he is obviously a tough guy.

As for me. I could not stop the tears as I read the email this morning. We chatted for about 40 minutes and the tears kept coming. I am sure that I will cry some more later today. But I cry out of sadness that I would not see him for, well, who knows how long, maybe early next year. I cry becuase I miss being with him and want to hold him in my arms and tell him how much I love him. I cry because we have to do this, this war, because we are willing and able, and that so many people get a free ride and sacrifice virtually nothing.

Can I handle another 15 months apart? Yes. No question about it: I can handle it.

In our chat this morning, Jack said: "If you need me to come home say the word." My response was that I don't "need" him to come home. I "want" him to come home. I've wanted him to come home since the day he left.

So I am asking you all for your thoughts on this. Are we totally nuts for contemplating this? I look forward to your comments. I need to hear from you on this.