Monday, July 21, 2008

Live from C-ville, It's BW!

After a little insanity getting the house finalized, after getting on the road with the doggies and my mother. after spending the night on the road and driving in 6 states, and after splatting a billion bugs -- mostly butterflies, ouch -- on the windshield, we arrived at the Residence Inn in C-ville, our new home.

Settling in here will take a few days and some creativity. There is no chest of drawers in this extended stay hotel room. But, ha! A couple of the storage containers I packed in fit right under the bed and will make do for now.

Then there is the issue of the missing oven. Yeah, no oven in this kitchenette. It's a good thing Jack Bauer got a great deal on a great wok. I foresee many stir-fry dinners in our near future.

But not setbacks, but rather part of the adventure.

This morning was the first day of class here for Jack. The doggies and I got up with him at 5 AM and walked to the top of the 86-step flight of stairs to get to where Jack is doing PT every morning. Then we headed out for an hour-long walk around campus. (Yes, campus, not post. We are at a public university.) I hope to get to know this campus better than the last 2 universities I attended.

On the agenda for today? Laundry, continue to organize room, get pedicure (I am in desperate need), make lunch and dinner, love doggies and Jack.

And the house starts showing tomorrow. :D