From MNF-I, Transfer of Responsibility a Stepping Stone for Eastern Diyala.
DIYALA — A transfer of responsibility from U.S. Soldiers to Iraqi Security Forces in the Southern Balad Ruz area in the Eastern Diyala Province was completed Aug. 2.
The volatile area of Diyala, where two operations are currently being conducted, has seen success in security for the Iraqi Army, Iraqi Police and local residents.
The 2nd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, relinquished their security responsibility to the Balad Ruz Police Chief Col. Faris Radi Abbas, and the 18th Brigade, 5th Iraqi Army Division Commander Staff Brig. Gen. Jafa Kadhim.
“The Iraqis are ready to take over this area,” Faris said. “Our people are ready to come back to their homes and support the Coalition and Iraqi forces.”
Both Iraqi and U.S. military ground troop commanders discussed the boundaries in a meeting July 31, coming to an agreement on specific responsibilities.
“It is truly an exciting day,” said Maj. Cameron Cantlon, executive officer of 2-3 ACR.
“There is absolutely no question that our forces could have done any of this without the help of the Iraqi forces,” he added when discussing the knowledge and capabilities Iraqi forces.