From MNF-I, Iraqis Improve Irrigation in Amarah.
CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER — Local Iraqi construction workers recently completed an irrigation canal and water pump project on the outskirts of Amarah, in the Maysan province.
“We are very appreciative of these improvements,” said Sheik Haj Hatim Sadkhan, a local city leader. “We will continue to support the government of Iraq and Coalition forces.”
The new structure will give 20 local farmers the ability to farm an additional 400 hectare of land annually.
The month-long project, which was completed Sept. 29, provides the farmers with an improved irrigation system to grow more crops during the upcoming season.
This project and similar ones can now be completed due to the increased security in the Maysan province. The 38th Iraqi Army Brigade, partnered with the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment is conducting counter- insurgency operations along the southeastern border of Iraq.