Friday, June 29, 2007

A Library of our Personal History

Well I've started packing. I started with our books. Jack Bauer is a voracious reader of history, politics, and military related material. And he likes to keep books. I like to give away my books so there isn't much there I would classify as mine.

But this is housecleaning. Reduction is household goods. Somethings will have to go. I have to decide what stays and what goes. How do I decide what is really important to Jack Bauer?

The Dogs of War - stays. Federal White Collar Crime - goes. Black Hawk Down - stays. Secured Transactions - goes. Emma - stays. Adult and Pediatric Pathophysiology for Nurses - goes. Books on Reagan, Adams, Franklin - stay. Various (other) Fredrick Forsyth paperback novels - go.

I am keeping all books on the military and war-related nonfiction.

It makes me anxious thinking that I could be throwing away something that he wants to keep. But it is time to move on from our old ways and the books that trained us.

I quickly filled up 3 small boxes and made a trip to Lowe's for another 10. I better get back to work.