* recommended reading
1 June
NPR, Bloody Month in Iraq, Despite U.S. Troop 'Surge'.
NPR, Retired Generals Decry Military Politics.
*NPR, Seeking Perspective on the U.S. Death Toll in Iraq. ". . . Given the right circumstances, Americans are quite prepared to tolerate far higher casualties. Roughly 43,000 people die on our roads and highways every year. . . . There is a reason for keeping U.S. troops in Iraq that has more to do with American interests: stability in the Persian Gulf, the world's single largest producer and exporter of oil and natural gas. . . . Blood for oil has never been a popular slogan in America. But try to separate us from our motor vehicles and you'll get a sense of where our national interests lie. And if you try to keep those vehicles running without Persian Gulf oil, you'll know that a complete U.S. withdrawal from Iraq is nowhere in our immediate future."