Sunday, June 24, 2007

Observing Change

Tomorrow it will have been 5 months since I had LASIK after wearing glasses since 3rd grade. When I am extremely tired, I will catch myself before I try to take my glasses off. At this point it is mostly just the thought of needing to take them off.

Yesterday, I took a close look at an old picture of me. The glasses on the face looking back at me just seemed out of place.

Glasses were such a part of me. And now they are no more. For the better I might add.

That got me thinking about the other changes I have made to myself during this deployment. My concern is whether these philosophical, internal, not-so-obvious changes will stick. Yeah, I know, they'll stick if I make that my intention. Just concerned that there will be major upheaval in my life in the next 6 months and those old habits will creep back in.

Alright! Negative thoughts out, Positive thoughts in!

It's all good. ;)