Wednesday, November 14, 2007

More on people who get it

Talking with people who understand what it means to have your husband deployed was just amazing. I feel like I have had an experience that can't undo. Like awakening.

It is really nice to be around people who know what it is like to have a loved one at war. Who know what it is like to have people ask uneducated questions about the war and repeatedly say "I don't know how you do it." People who know what it is like to have people that you know primarily online. I don't have to explain myself to them. Because they already know, they already understand.

And that level of understanding is just breathtaking. Especially, when for the last 22 months, I swear I have not met another person who gets it.

I was thinking about my earlier statement that this trip may have been more refreshing and spiritually energizing than the retreat. I figured out why. The people I met in Las Vegas are the community I most identify with. The wonderful women I met at the retreat are the community that help me cope, but they don't really understand me.