Sunday, March 25, 2007

Just when I think I've got this figured out . . .

Feeling good about my life, I headed off this morning for coffee and chatting with a dear friend that I don't get to see often enough. She lives in a suburb of Middleville about 15 miles from Camp Toenges. We had a great time catching up and talked for several hours. We said our good-byes and she drove off to get her boys. I got in my sweet reliable machine, inserted the key, turned it, and . . . nothing. I tried again. Nothing. Oh wait. There was a faint clicking noise and the dashboard lights came on. I called AAA and waited.

In the meantime, all those questions popped into my head. How much will this cost? Can I get a rental car today? Will my BFF be able to pick me up?

The biggest question was the first. My BFF is great and she picked me up without any problem. No, I couldn't get a rental car today. Only out at the airport and that is not worth the trip when there are 2 Enterprise locations in my neighborhood and each about 2 blocks from the dealership. And the dealership isn't open today, which for whatever reason surprised my SoCal mother. (In Middleville, you can't even buy a car on Sunday and most upscale restaurants are closed.)

The timing of this is ironic. At breakfast I was telling my friend about a couple of guy friends of JD had offered their assistance "in case" I needed something. I truly appreciate their offers. I do. But they have their families and don't live particularly close. And of course, I don't have their numbers programmed into my cell so in this "in case" situation it did me no good. I guess this is a good reminder to have those "in case" numbers close at hand.

By the time I got home, JD had made it back to his home cot and was IMing me. I started to tell him about the car when the car when he lost connectivity. Arrrg! I sat there, laptop heating my legs, and felt sorry for myself, again, the second time that day. The pervasive thought of the day was that this is why I got married, so I wouldn't have to deal with this kind of stuff. (Well, maybe not THE reason for getting married, but it is sure a nice benefit, especially with the right guy.) JD got his connection restored after a few minutes and I told him about my day. And I felt better. My little pity party was very short lived.

Anyway, I will find out about my sweet reliable machine in the morning. How much is an alternator?