Friday, May 4, 2007

Friday Fun Fact

I have worn my hair long, very long for years. The last time I had it short was in 1994 when, in a very bad move, I decided I wanted to have hair just like Marisa Tomei in Only You. Not a good look for me. I was gaining weight at the time and, needless to say, I don't have Marisa's bone structure.

Since then my hair has been at least chin length. A couple of years ago, when I was not caring for myself so well, my hair cuts were getting further and further apart and thus my hair was getting longer and longer. I decided that if I was going to keep letting it get this long, I might as well do it for a good reason other than as a source of holding onto my own insecurities. I decided that when I was ready I would cut it off and donate it to Locks of Love, a charitable organization that makes wigs for children with long-term hair loss.

So back in December I cut my hair and made a 12-inch donation. In cleaning and shaping of a new style, we probably had over 13 inches removed from my head. Yes, that sure did lighten my load, both physically from the removal of the weight and metaphysically too, removing all the toxic times that hair had seen. Mind you that with the new cut, my hair is still shoulder length.