From MNF-I, Iraqi Police Uncover Major Weapons Cache.
KIRKUK — Iraqi Police (IP) uncovered a major weapons cache in Kirkuk province, Dec. 18. The discovery was made during a series of pre-dawn raids at suspected cache sites. The operation was led by the IP into the town of Ruwadah, approximately 25 miles west of Kirkuk city. The operation was named “Kura Azakan” (The Brave Men) by Gen. Sarhadt, outer Hawijah District police chief, because Coalition forces and IP had not been in the area recently and because the IP had gone in without Coalition presence.
Over 300 IP officers from Dibbis, Sagaron, Tarkalan, Altun Kopri and Schawn took part in this Iraqi led and executed operation that also included 32 IP vehicles. At one of the sites, IP discovered one of the largest caches in recent Kirkuk province history.
Included in the cache were approximately 65 grenades, 83 rocket propelled grenades, 1800 fuses, 1060 mortar rounds, 250 various explosive projectiles, 3000 small arms rounds, 1400 20 mm cannon rounds, and over 1000 pounds of explosives and improvised explosive device making materials.
Coalition forces from Delta Company, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment and Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment along with Explosive Ordnance Disposal Soldiers were called on after the discovery was made to lend assistance with the destruction of the ordinance. In an extensive combined operation, Coalition and Iraqi security forces conducted a 13-hour clearing operation which resulted in the destruction of more than 7 tons of deadly ordinance.
“This is another example of the growing capacity of the Iraqi security forces to conduct independent operations and was a result of a lot of hard work from brave Iraqis,” said Col. David Pashcal, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division commander. “The discovery and destruction of this cache will seriously disrupt the enemy’s ability to conduct attacks on the innocent Iraqi citizens, Iraqi security forces as well as Coalition forces.”