From MNF-I, Coordinated Medical Engagement Treats Hundreds in Iraqi Family Village.
CAMP STRIKER — More than 800 residents of Iraqi Family Village (IFV) were treated here recently by 25 Iraqi and two American healthcare providers. The patients sought aid for various reasons, including common cold symptoms, dermatological issues and asthma.
Task Force Vigilant, the base-defense unit for Camp Victory, was responsible for the overall planning, preparation and execution of the coordinated medical engagement (CME), since the IFV falls within its area of operations. Nearly 8,000 residents live in the IFV, many of whom moved into the area after the fall of the regime in 2003.
Members of the ‘Rakkasans’ from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team (BCT), 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), played a role by providing security and crowd control, and oversight for all medical operations and medical personnel from Company C, 626th Brigade Support Battalion (BSB), 3rd BCT, 101st Abn. Div. (AASLT). ...
he medical engagement was another endeavor to put an Iraqi face on healthcare in the area, according to Capt. Alex Montgomery, primary planner for Co. C, 626th BSB, 3rd BCT, 101st Abn. Div. (AASLT), which provided dental and medical personnel and supplies, as well as logistical support for the event. It also gave the unit a chance to provide one-on-one medical training to local national and Iraqi Army doctors.“Because there is no (medical) facility in the area we wanted to get healthcare and pharmaceuticals to many local nationals who, due to economic issues, don’t have a way or financial means to get healthcare and medication for themselves and their children,” Montgomery explained. ...
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