It snowed some 6 inches in Middleville yesterday. That's a lot for us. This is the sixth winter I have been here and it is the most snow I've seen in 24 hours. And it is a beautiful, heavy, wet snow.
But I need to get some stuff done around the house and making a list is always good.
Make list (thanks again Wendy!)Contemplatelaundry (that may take all day) (I got it started; that's worth a partial strikethrough, right?)Editing workShovel snow (but I am secretly hoping that if I wait long enough, one of my neighbors will take pity on me) (Uh, yeah, that didn't happen. It look FOREVER to do it. I am still huffing and puffing.)Finish putting together Christmas presentsWrap Christmas presentsBox up Christmas present to in-laws to mail on Monday- Clean off ottoman
and end table. - Balance checkbook
- Set up budget for next year