Monday, April 23, 2007

Good News from Iraq: 23 Apr 2007

From National Review Online, Appeal for Courage, evidence that we're winning, morale is good, and changes in Al Anbar. (hat tip Michelle Malkin)

Here's an excerpt:

. . . Despite the frustration with both the partisanship on Capitol Hill and the mainstream media’s inaccurate portrayal of the realities on the ground in Iraq, [U.S. Navy Lt. Jason] Nichols [in Baghdad] contends military morale is good. “It’s because of the tremendous support we receive from the American people,” he says. “A lot of that support comes from the leadership of Vietnam vets and others who have created a kind of ‘support the vets’ movement.”

Iraq is dangerous. The war is difficult. Nobody is pretending otherwise. But even in the face of last week’s horrific bombings, progress is being made both in a tactical and strategic sense, as well as in the winning of hearts of minds. And no one knows this better than the troops on the ground.

. . .