Friday, September 14, 2007

Great Greta questions. Who can answer them?

The other day I found a great post by Greta over at Hooah Wife and Friends. The post is essentially a series of thoughtful and thought-provoking what if questions -- and not THOSE whatifs. Here is a taste.

What if the people who originally thought the war was was the right plan of action, continued to support it?

What if the American people demanded we stay the course until the mission was complete?

What if the terrorists knew that the will of the American people was united and would not rest until their heads were served on a platter?
I left a comment that she posted a great series of questions. Greta emailed me back sounding a little disappointed that no one had answered them. I think we -- and I mean all Americans in general -- are all too busy to take the time to reflect upon the possible answers. I think the more important thing at this point, at least for me, is the asking of the questions. The answers may never come or may never have satisfactory answers. The questions can always be refined. And Greta took the time to refine the questions.