Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A measure of my mood

I know when I am feeling down, even when I don't recognize it internally. There is one good measuring stick for me. I put on Sex and the City DVDs. Starting with Season 1. There are some 94 episodes of SATC. Since Friday afternoon, when I put in the first disc, I have made it through to Season 6, episode 5. Only 15 episodes to go to the series is over. Again.

Don't get me wrong, I don't just lounge around on my sofa, eating bon bons, and watch SATC day in, day out. I use it -- yes, use it -- mostly as background noise. Familiar voices, familiar friends, familiar laughs, familiar cries. I always cry in the last episode over the Charlotte storyline.

And somewhere in the last 5 days I did manage to get a bunch of stuff done, including going to work.