Saturday, September 1, 2007

Retail Therapy

You will rarely hear me talk about retail therapy. For the most part, I don't like to shop. It is a pain in the tushy. Parking, dealing with crowds, spending money I'd rather hoard, blah, blah, blah.

It has been a rough couple of days. So yesterday, my last half-day Friday of the summer, I hit the mall for a little retail therapy. It was before noon, so parking and crowds weren't an issue. But I knew I was going to part with my money. **Cringe** But ... Aha! I was able to justify it though: I was on a mission to buy more cards for Soldiers' Angels Germany.

Still in a rather pissy mood, I went into Hallmark first. I did not want the cheap-ass, piece of shit plastic bag that the clerk was going to give me, so I bought a lovely black and white gift bag for $2.49 just to avoid the plastic bag. At least my pretty cards could be in a pretty bag. I also bought a bunch of stickers to put on cards to Jack Bauer. I spent $40+ and have 26 cards for SAG.

Cute bag in tow, I moved onto Papyrus. I LOVE this store. I LOVE their cards. And it seems that I go just often enough to that they get new cards in for me. New butterfly cards. Anyway, yesterday I was the only one in the store and the nice 20-something made a comment about how I must like to write cards. **Light bulb** I get to tell her about SAG. How wonderful is that?!? I purchase 58 cards for $80+. The sales clerk put the cards in a huge bag, and when I asked her to put them in a smaller bag, she just threw the smaller bag into the bigger bag. Lunch bag bonus!

One last thing. One of the boxes of cards had a great quote inside. "Just living is not enough," said the butterfly. "One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower." -- Hans Christian Anderson. I like it so much, I've added it to the sidebar.