Thursday, September 6, 2007

"What IS your thing with butterflies?"

Yesterday, Green commented: "I've always wondered ... what IS your thing with butterflies?"

I thought I would share my response up front in a post ... in case you were wondering yourself.

Green - Butterflies are a simple symbol of a profound transformation. That's what I have been through. It is my way of honoring my transformation. Honestly, I never thought twice about butterflies before this blog. Now, they are everywhere. And I love it. It symbolizes what I have been through to be where I am today -- even if today happens to be a particularly sucky day.
And just so you know, I am doing much better today. This is a tough patch of transition for me, but I think much of what I was going through the last few days was a bit of anticipatory grief. Wheels are now in motion. I might as well enjoy the ride as best I can. Right?