Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Random thoughts

I am sitting here trying to figure out what to write about when there are so many things popping around in my head.

First, this weather here in the middle is oppressive. I hate these dog days of summer because I cannot walk my dogs in this heat. I live in the city and we get a nice heat island effect. This morning at 0430 at Camp Toenges it was 85 degrees. Ugggg!

Second, I "confessed" to my blogginess to my super secret boss. (See, I said I was bad at keeping secrets.) I told him that it was like having someone look through my underwear drawer. So, welcome super secret boss. I suppose you can choose your own identity if you want to post comments. But you cannot take "Bauer," that belongs to my husband. And remember that Bauer reads this blog so watch your mouth. ;-)

Third, last night I had a crazy thing happen, which was accompanied by a crazy thought. I have for the most part been feeling fabulous. But last night, I was in the middle of a phone call with a guy friend when the power went out, call dropped. Now, usually in the summer we'll have little power surges, but this was a full, all power off, blackout. After I suddenly needed the flashlight and could not remember where it was, I had a crazy thought: "OMG! Someone cut the power and is breaking in!" Luckily, I remembered that I am a person who does well in a crisis and went into crisis mode. But by the time I stood up and stepped over Moo, the power came back on. Phew! But I hadn't had a moment of fear of my personal safety in I don't know how long, even though I have lived alone for some time now. And I called the friend back and all was well.